Niki Jamieson Art Class, Gr 1-3, S is for Sonic

Kid's Art Classes

Gr 1-3 Art Class
Tuesdays, 3:45-4:45pm

Gr 4-6 Art Class
Thursdays, 3:45-4:45pm

What We Accomplished

Sonic doesn't stand still for long and we had to draw him fast before he zoomed away on another adventure.

Here's what they learned:

  • How to draw a 3D S
  • Using color to create depth
  • Shading
  • Considering the whole picture, not just drawing the character 
  • Using pressure to create different effects with colored pencils

Click below to view the gallery of student artwork. You'll find samples from the kid's art classes along with samples from the adult acrylic painting class.

Click below to see what each class is doing from week to week. View the adult acrylic paintings step-by-step along with the the materpieces from the weekly kid's classes.