Adult Painting Class 1: Old fishing boat Painting by Dmitriy Fedorov
Acrylic Painting Class
Beginner - Intermediate
Wednesdays, 8 - 9 pm on ZOOM
Sessions run every about 4 weeks
What We Accomplished
Every painting we start looks a bit ridiculous at the end of the first class and sometimes the second class. PATIENCE, Daniel-son. You will LOVE it in the end!
This week we took out our pencils and mapped out the general layout. It's not perfect, but it gives us an idea of where each element should be.
Then we added some different blues to our palette and started adding washes to the sky, ocean and sides of the boat.
Just like a clay pot, the edges will be refined and tweaked until a boat appears beached on the sand on a bright, blue-sky day!
Made me really hate winter right about now and long for those hot summer days by the beach.

Click below to view the gallery of student artwork. You'll find samples from the kid's art classes along with samples from the adult acrylic painting class.
Click below to see what each class is doing from week to week. View the adult acrylic paintings step-by-step along with the the materpieces from the weekly kid's classes.
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